26 January 2012

24 Years of Grateful California Living

My mind, as if thumbing through some old photo albums, still thinks back to January, 1988. That was the month I began life in a new city (dumping Houston for Los Angeles), a new home environment (living single in a River Oaks condo to having a live-in 'significant other' (1st in a series) in one of Park La Brea's towers (401 S. Burnside Ave 11B).
By moving west with Bob, I also escaped a merger-muddled career @ 'the new Foley's' for the prestige and stability of Federated's profitable 'crown jewel', Bullock's.This was entirely due to Christine Valentine's trail blazing when she moved there in August 1987 and skipped over Bullock's to land at Bullocks Wilshire.
Her flawless recommendation letter + Max's own stubborn insistence he be given the one Assistant Buyer opening.  He landed in what was called 'Utility Bedding' in the 'Home Textiles' division at swanky BDS. Less glamourously known as 'Pillows & Pads'  in Domestics at Sanger Harris/Foley's.

I got the job and a raise even with bad shoes. Yes, I was told my interviews were impeccable but my shoes were not worthy of a Bullock's associate. And wear a pocket square in a suit, not sport coats and trouser combos.

My smart-ass comment on my first day was that I was 'over' senseless mergers, I believe brought about the downfall of the American Department Store Industry. I've rehashed those awful days ad infinitum. Thus, 'nuff said and my naivete at just how bad things would continue to get,  STILL makes me ill.

But my love of Los Angeles carried me forward...I soon learned I had nothing in common with Bob, and he would transferred away that November. I couldn't afford Park La Brea alone, so I headed for Silver Lake, then bounced back Hollywood, then Montebello, then back to Los Angeles.

TONIGHT I am stretched across my sofa on the 6th floor of my beloved Hollywood apartment of 18 years.   I'm single, and satisfied with that. It does help that the delegate from Wisconsin has been lobbying me since December. He reminded me he doesn't 'do' blogs or have time for them, yet as managed to catch up on the 25-30 blog posts I've done around the net. And knowing he didn't like blogs, I was brutally honest in my writing and yet, he appears to be ok with that, boasting how he'd read every post. At my end of the phone, I was cringing.

Financials, the future and my career crisis dog me.  Retail seems to be one of dilution now. My life is one without health insurance and hating traditional medicine anyway...but from 'nowhere' I suddenly go into a panic. And such panic you never can  believe.
For me, my anxiety attacks came with my 'Story of Job' storyline that began in 2007 with my novel's first printing and hastened by Partner #3's departure in 2008.
These panic attacks have been ...triggered as they see fit, and have become the biggest boogeyman I've battled. ...and I only realized that last week after two 'new' friends pointed the pros and cons out to me. I am grateful for their insight.

I am very grateful to live in Los Angeles. It captured my attention as a child, and that fascination has never stopped. It remains a constant in my constantly re-written story.

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